London, UK

Elvis Louis Dsouza

Computer Programmer


Experienced Software Developer with 6 years of industry experience building large-scale, secure, and scalable applications. Proficient in designing and implementing complex software solutions.

A strong team player, I thrive in diverse working environments and have a proven ability to lead technical projects. Seeking opportunities in the dynamic fields of AI, Cloud, Game Programming, and Computer Vision.

Passionate about using technology to solve real-world problems, I am eager to bring my technical expertise and passion for innovation to cutting-edge technology products.


Master of Science - Computer Science

University of Southampton [2022 - 2023]

Southampton, UK

Bachelor of Technology - Information Technology

Manipal Institute of Technology, MU [2013 - 2017]

Manipal, India


Game Programmer

Feral Interactive, London

January 2024 - Present

Research Assistant

Southampton Education School, University of Southampton

January 2023 - August 2023

Software Developer 2


2019 - 2022

Applications Developer


2017 - 2019

Project Intern


January 2017 - June 2017

Summer Programming Intern

MadOverDogs - Mumbai

May 2016 - July 2016

Technical Projects

RF-Pointer: A Novel Approach to Radio-Frequency Driven Pointer Technology for HCI

Research Paper: Peer-reviewed and accepted in IEEE RadarConf24. Work will be published in May 2024. Read more ...

Built a radar-based prototype hardware to capture radio waves bounced from hand motions. A multimodal data pipeline was created for signal processing and training of a deep learning network. This work produces tracks hand and simultaneously maps it to the virtual world in real-time.

virtual reality artificial intelligence signal processing 3D point cloud

Machine learning for automatic smart extraction and workflow assignment of action items


A novel machine learning based document extraction technique for project specification documents that can identify all the action items in the specification and tag them to the correct category or section. The system also includes a self-improving mechanism for continuous improvement in extraction accuracy and decrease in manual work.

parser machine learning reinforcement learning




Find and review code inside java modules right from your browser! JavaFind is a convenient web tool to search the maven repository for a dependency and browse through all the code and project files inside the repository, all without having to download any software or the module itself.

Java Spring Boot JavaScript ReactJS Maven

Collect - Your Research Buddy

Link: Check on Chrome Web Store

A lightweight chrome browser extension for collecting and viewing references as you browse. No registration. No login. No dentral server to spy on your data. It is all within your browser and it just works! That simple.

ReactJS JavaScript Google Chrome

Project Trooper


Trooper is a simple user-friendly python library for multi-user applications. It acts as a wrapper built on top of Tornado module, simplifying creation and maintenance of multi-user applications through websockets.

Python Websockets Multi-threading Tornado

Also see video games and simulation projects.

Also see game and film projects.